The 3D Printing Store is proud to be a US manufacturing company. The team has worked with many active duty and retired members of the US armed forces over the years and many of their family members are active duty or have served. The 3D Printing Store wanted a way to give back to all of the men and women who have given so much for them.
In an attempt to give back to this heroic group of people, The 3D Printing Store decided to take time to set up, print, and post something to honor these individuals and hold an auction to raise proceeds for the Wounded Warrior Project.
The Wounded Warrior Project is a non-profit organization for Veterans that helps provide mental health, physical health, career and benefits counseling, and more. It seemed a fitting charity to raise money for and give back the best way they knew how– by printing!
The design that the team decided to print was a large scale detailed eagle to symbolize the freedom these people fought, and are fighting for.
The model was printed on the large format, high-resolution, digital light processing (DLP) Photocentric LC Magna. This printer has a build volume of approximately 20”x11”x13” which is significantly larger than most DLP printers on the market, allowing for the team to make a beautiful 12” wingspan eagle. The material was Photocentric’s Hard Black Daylight Magna resin which provides high strength.
The part took 1 hour to support and process and then was sent to the printer where light was projected at the vat of liquid resin and slowly and precisely cured layer by layer for 13 hours.
The resulting model on the other side was a beautiful eagle.

The resulting model on the other side was a beautiful eagle.
Once the supports were removed and the part was washed and cured it was onto post-processing. The team sanded the eagle down to a pristine finish and painted it a nice metallic bronze color.

The resulting part was over a $300 value and a gorgeous tribute to our nation’s Veterans.
The part was then put on auction on social media from 11/11 through 11/16 with the knowledge that 100% of the proceeds would go to Wounded Warrior Project.
The print ended up selling for $75. This was matched by The 3D Printing Store’s CEO Debra Wilcox and the profits were sent to Wounded Warrior Project.
From all of us at The 3D Printing Store we hope you had a great Veteran’s day and thank a soldier for all that they do and have done for this great country!
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