Selective Laser Sintering


  • No supports required
  • High surface finish and details


  • ​Limited material options
  • Slower print times

How it works

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) printers utilize a high-powered laser to selectively sinter powdered polymer together, layer by layer, to create complex parts with intricate geometries. Once a layer has been sintered, the build plate lowers, and a fresh layer of powder is deposited and sintered to the previous layers. This process is repeated until the part is complete. After printing, excess powder is removed using compressed air, and any leftover powder is mixed with fresh powder for the next print run. SLS is a versatile 3D printing technology that can produce high-quality parts with a wide range of materials, making it an ideal choice for a variety of applications. Contact us today to learn more about our SLS printing services and how we can help bring your project to life.

Additional Considerations

  • SLS can produce highly detailed and complex parts with intricate geometries, making it ideal for applications such as aerospace, automotive, and medical devices.
  • The powder bed used in SLS can create a rough surface finish on parts, which may require additional post-processing steps to achieve a smooth surface.
  • The high-powered laser used in SLS can create a significant amount of heat, which can cause warping or distortion in some materials. This can be mitigated by using specialized materials or by implementing cooling systems during the printing process.
  • SLS can produce parts with a wide range of materials, including nylon, thermoplastic elastomers, and composite materials. However, the availability of materials may vary depending on the manufacturer.
  • The use of powdered materials in SLS can be messy and require additional safety precautions. It is important to handle and store the materials properly to prevent any health hazards.
  • SLS can be a more expensive 3D printing technology, especially for smaller production runs. However, the high level of precision and complexity that SLS can achieve may justify the cost for certain applications.

Overall, SLS offers a unique set of advantages and disadvantages compared to other 3D printing technologies. Depending on your specific project requirements and budget, it may be the ideal choice for your next 3D printing project.

Formlabs Fuse 1 Material Technical Data Sheets:

Nylon TDS:

Nylon 12 | View Technical Data

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